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Providing emotional intelligence tools & skill set to empower others to create a great life
Kerri Speyers is an Emotional Intelligence & Life Empowerment Coach, Life Choices Coaching
As a qualified coach, Kerri has a passion for providing the skill set of emotional intelligence. Supporting people to understand and communicate in personal and professional relationships. Working with individual entrepreneurs, businesses and their staff to create a healthy, engaged and supportive workplace culture that retains good staff, boosts productivity and provides the skills to thrive in their workplace.
Having not grown up with the skill set of emotional intelligence Kerri understands the ramifications of not having this most valuable skill set. This was discussed in her TED Talk by Kerri Speyers – “Emotional Intelligence Determines Destiny” –
Kerri has been working in the personal and corporate space, with tailored made one on one coaching, retreats, online courses, webinars and membership programs, and in podcasts and as a TED Talk speaker and author.
Kerri has worked for over 35 years to support others through the Medical and Education system and working with mainstream students and special needs students. Also as a previous Ipswich business owner and has raised two sons in the Ipswich area.
· When I met Kerri, just the things that she was explaining about emotional intelligence really resonated with me. There were many different layers that we worked through and so many different things that I needed that I didn't know I needed at the time. I just followed my intuition with that. definitely felt a lot more confident and empowered in terms of moving forward in the business. And so that's how to ripple on effect in its self. So that was where I was before I started and now on the other side of that it's impacted my business in every way. How I approach the business, how I approach others. I’m looking forward to continuing that journey.
Alex Crowell, New Life Midwifery
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I was about to take over a business where I'd worked for 10 years. Kerri explained about emotional intelligence. The coaching was a lot about myself and with that helped me regulate my nervous system and definitely felt a lot more confident and empowered in terms of moving forward in the business. This has had a ripple effect on my business in every way. How I approach the business, how I approach others.
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Life Choices Coaching
Providing emotional intelligence tools & skill set to empower others to create a great life